Sunday, March 3, 2013


It's been great being with a great guy, Javier. He is the best boyfriend. And loves to surprise me when he gets the chance too. I can't believe that we been together now for almost 2 yrs. this june 15th 2013 will be our 2nd anniversary. I am so happy to have him in my life. And i hope and very soon that i can meet his family and especially his 10 yr old son Daniel. I been wanting to meet him for a long time. Javier has been so amazing, he says all the right stuff. i love it when he calls me sexy, baby,beautiful, and my favorite crazy sexy. sometimes just crazy. But i love him. he is my crazy... maybe one day we will live together and have a great life together. and grow old for life. I would love to have his kids. a girl and a boy. My biggest dream is to be a great wife and mother. I feel in my heart and know what i want in life. my life and his too. I don't care where we live i just want to be with him. that is what love is all about. I love you javier... forever...